REASON BEHIND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COMPANY CAPPA COOLING lies in the absence of traditional broadly based supplier of modern cooling systems in form of small compact and as well large engineered cooling towers manufactured all from composite materials fulfilling the most stringent criteria and serving clients on all levels in the area of entire Central Europe coming from one hand. This concept of one-stop-shop bringing the client the results of all processes ranging from R&D, design, engineering, over manufacturing, delivery up to the commissioning combined with consulting is controlled and communicated from a single contact point facilitating the information flow to all target groups. CAPPA stands for excellence in thermodynamics, guaranteed cooling capacity of products, reliability of systems and deliveries, engineered tailor-made solutions, professional attitude and dedicated people with creative mind who bring value added to clients by efficient problem solving and commitment.
We are looking for partners for industrial cooperation in the field of cooling technology with an emphasis on resource savings and efficient solutions for project implementation.
Mr. Tomas Janik BDM